I haven't been great about updating on the pregnancy. For a quick re-cap: The first trimester was a little rough, throwing up morning and night wasn't fun at all! But magically, around 13 weeks I woke up and felt AMAZING-I wanted to EAT real food again (not just crackers).
The second trimester has been great! At 16 weeks we found out we're having a boy, and just a few weeks ago we had our 20 week ultrasound, and he is lookin' healthy. I'm 23 weeks and feeling good! I feel the lil' guy kickin' and moving around a lot. Sometimes at work while I'm just sitting at my desk, I look down at my belly and watch it move as he kicks and punches. It's the best, I just watch it and laugh. Brett can feel and see his kicks too. He loves it!
We have a name for the lil' guy, but are choosing not to share.....you will all just have to wait until he's born, and then you'll just have to like it:)
At my 20 week ultrasound the technician told us baby Denney was measuring a little small. Brett freaked out, "What, Denney babies don't measure small?" And then he insisted I needed to eat more. Well last week at my appointment, my doctor told me I am measuring a week bigger than my due date. Brett must have offended the lil' guy and now he's out to prove he's not a weakling or small. But seriously, my belly has grown so much in the last two weeks. Yes, it freaks me out and has me a little worried that he'll be a gigantuous baby, but I'm just trying to enjoy it all!!
So here's the "more than just a bump" picture some of you have been waiting for.

23 weeks.....still feels like forever to go!!