Walking into the stadium (a very nice OU fan offered to take our pic-they were by far the classiest fans!)

The back shot, looking at the stadium
The GI-NORMOUS Jumbotron
All of us!
What a game! My heart was pounding ALL 4 quarters. The intensity, anxiety, screaming and cheering, jumping up and down, losing my voice, was all so much fun! The stadium was amazing, the game was amazing, and I had a great time (lots of laughing) with the in-laws!

Brett ran the flag out

Final Score: BYU 14 - OU 13 (the score board was so hard to see, my only complaint about the stadium)

The Haka after the game! Brett gets so into it, I love it!

A very happy hubby:)

Me and Linds after the game

Kimi and Brett

Go Cougs! Can't wait for another game!
That WAS a fantastic game! I love your shirt! Many more good games to come Go Cougs and good job Brett!
YAY go cougs! HECK YA for the win! Whoooa what a game talk about AWSOME! #92 what a stud! Can't wait for the Florida State Game! WAHOOO! ok, love your new hair do! U look GREAT!
I loved, loved, loved that game!!! It was so fun to watch! Brett's fumble recovery was great!! Kristy, I love your Mrs.Denney shirt! So cute.
I love your MRS. Denney shirt! Glad you had so much fun! Go Cougs.
Too fun! Did you know we are moving to Dallas? Crazy! Dan is excited just for the stadium! Love your shirt!
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