Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!


We love you Brett!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Let's Go Back...

This post has been sitting as a draft for way too long, but has some great pictures so I thought I'd go ahead and hit "publish".  Not sure what I was waiting for....

Remember way back in August when Brett had a birthday?  I'm only

We celebrated at the pool, which was as equally fun for Owen as it was for Brett.  Owen ate his face in Cotton Candy and Brett fell on his face doing the surf simulator.  Just kidding.  He didn't really...he was a little shaky at first but quickly became a natural.  We need to get that boy to the beach:) Update he just went to Hawaii and I'm sure this practice on the simulator 7 months ago totally helped!  These pictures make me SOO ready for some warm weather and pool days!

We celebrated at Outback Steakhouse with friends for an early birthday dinner.  Brett was a sport and rode the saddle while everyone made  a big scene.  

On his actual birthday I surprised him with a hot dinner date.  He wasn't expecting me to leave Miles with a sitter so soon. We  did Thai Village takeout and a picnic in the park.  To him, a good hour of quiet conversation without the kids was an awesome little present.  

Friday, January 4, 2013

Miles @ 6 Months Old

I guess the saying is true that if your first child is "difficult" you'll be blessed with an "easy" one the second time around.  At least for us.

---- We love you Owen, but you were difficult {wait. sometimes you still are.  but we seriously love you and your funny, stubborn, imaginative little self}.  I don't think we thought you were a difficult baby until Miles came along and was so easy.  ----

Miles is so laid back and content most of the time, and he gives us an endless amount of smiles.  He's earned the nickname Smiles with our friends.

At six months his favorite things are his bouncy chair, Owen's toys (particularly Thor and any Ninja turtle), loves his big brother, and most recently, the bottle.

But at least he's finally taking a bottle.  Once he figured it out and guzzled his first one down, he never looked back and has preferred it ever since.  Which would explain his rapid weight gain over the last two weeks:) 

I can already tell Owen and Miles are gonna be best buds, I love watching Owen play with Miles and trying to make him happy the rare times he is sad or fussy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A look at December

Ping pong with dad at work

Shopping, ice cream cones, and diet coke... and making do with a single stroller

creating a future violinist 

6 month check up!!

Celebrating being 6 months old with sweet potatoes and applesauce.  

Getting lots of snuggles after the 6 month check up and too many shots

Finding a new best friend (for me and Miles)

Owen's first train ride with his little buddies.  They were so excited! It was our free Polar Express experience...

O being the best big brother around

And the cutest little beggar!!!