Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Little Dragon...

Owen and I are excited for dad to get home.  He's been in New York playing working all week.  I was supposed to go to Idaho for some girl time with one of my besties, but I didn't quite make it. (You can read about that fiasco here).  We've had a very lazy week, but we are ready for Brett to be home and to start partying for Halloween.

I bought Owen's  costume about a month ago and immediately put him in it to take some pictures. Given that it snowed just a couple of days ago, I'm glad I did it then when it was still warm outside. Isn't Halloween for babies all about the cute pics in their cute costumes? I just took mine early;) 

So here you have him, our little Dragon. 

My very favorite....I just want to nibble on him

Have a Happy Halloween Everyone!


Tyler and Ashley Mortensen said...

Those are really cute pics. I like the one where he's giving his dragon scowl! You're getting pretty good with the camera too, of course a stinking cute kiddo will always make the job easier.

Kaija said...


Matt and Lindsay Bauman said...

Cutest dragon I ever saw!!

Katherine Fajen said...


Laura said...

he really is so stinkin cute! tell him to come trick or treat at our house for sure on your way to your party!!

Niels and Susie Jensen said...

Great pics, Kristy! He is growing so fast. What camera do you have??? I need it.

Joo Lin said...

SO CUTE!! Nice costume choice :) Your little muncher is adorable!

Colt 'n Tami said...

Love him, sure wish I could have smootched him all week... DANG CAR PROBLEMS huh, don't ya just hate it when that happens???
WAYYYYYYY STinkin cute pics! Doing a great job girly! He's so flippin hunkie! Love the costume

Crystal said...

wow! those pictures are perfect!!! great job. the colors and everything. i love it. and he is oh sooo darling. he is growing up so fast!!!