Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One more for the Birthday Boy...

Just one more birthday post for Owen, bare with me.   Here he was marching out into the living room where his present was waiting..

We got him a basketball hoop, but the balloons were quite a distraction.  Maybe we should have just gone with those.

He finally got around to his hoop...and as long as we are clapping and cheering for every basket he makes, he likes it.


Colt 'n Tami said...

HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY Birthday Owen! What a hunkie... love the hoop! He's sooo stinkin hunkie Kristy it's not even funny! Luv ya

Colt 'n Tami said...

Deeeeer Owen,
I wuv you and have a secret crushh on YOU! I really want to meet you and maybe we can cuddle.
Wuv... Jaylee

haha, she told me to write that! What cute love birdies!

Matt and Lindsay Bauman said...

Adorable!! He's all boy. I love seeing the pictures of him walking. HE looks so big! Miss you guys. Matt had fun catching up with Brett the other night.

Reimstar said...

What a fun birthday present! Can you believe how fast the first year goes? I've been a little busy with these 2 little boys lately, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of things so we need to get together again soon :) P.s. Happy late Birthday to you!

Leanna said...

Love the basketball hoop!!! He is such a big boy now!!!! He really is so cute!