Thanks Kellie:)
I have...split ends that are driving me nuts
I fear...drowning and being dunked in water
I always...wake Brett up in the mornings to give him a kiss goodbye
I worries, it comes and goes and I'm really not in any rush.
I hear...Brett in the other room laughing at some dumb commercial
I Pink Sugar, it's one of my favs.
I wish ... I could go on a shopping spree (and I'm usually not a shopper, but I'm in desperate need for some new clothes)....
I hate...brussell sprouts, ugggg gag me.
I wonder...what type of person I'd be without the gospel
I regret....not having more confidence in myself when I played volleyball at OSU
I much Brett and I laugh together....we are so goofy and weird.
I am...blessed with an AMAZING family and struck gold with the in-laws
I think....I am a little uptight when it comes to having a clean house. Poor Brett.
I to make some dang good desserts
I run in the Boston Marathon someday
I always....crave chocolate (and I prefer Dove Chocolate or M&M's)
I am not ....artistic, I so wish I was, but it's just not in me.
I am like...uh I dunno on this one
I believe....the way to make a friend is to be a friend
I don't always...wear my seat belt!!
I am happy that...I have a job that I love!
I win...HORSE 90% of the time Brett & I play. I usually beat him in the card game speed too.
I keys frequently
I never...put the cap back on the toothpaste
I need...a pedicure
I all sorts of music
I am scared of...mean people
I read...LDS romance's my mom's fault she got me started
I tag...Kim (yeah time to get bloggin girl), Christy, Laura, Ashley, Meg, Tami, and Susie:)